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No food for dinner?
For 3000 children in Des Plaines, that happens almost every day.

Help us in this struggle. Together, we can fight against hunger in Des Plaines’ children.

One school, one child, one backpack at a time. 

Introducing the Community Backpack Program.

We work with other local churches to provide backpacks filled with food on the weekends for needy students in Des Plaines' elementary schools. 

Without this help, these kids  might otherwise go hungry. 

2. Fund a backpack. Or two.

You make a contribution, and we will do the shopping. 100% of your donation goes directly to grocery purchases, guaranteed. 

$25 buys a single backpack. $50 pays for two. $12.50 pays for a half backpack. You can make a gift to the backpack program on-line, from  here: FUMC Giving.   Please be sure to select "Community Backpack Program".

Or, you can make a check to "First United Methodist Church." Please write 'Community Backpack Program' on the memo line. Our mailing address is 668 Graceland Ave.  Des Plaines, IL 60016.

A single backpack's contents for one week is about $27.50.  

Two youngsters leave school with food backpacks from the Backpack Program.

Use this list to give you ideas when you go shopping for your contribution.

It's important to choose cans of meat, vegetables, soups that can be reheated in the microwave in individual serving sizes, and mac 'n' cheese should be among your offerings.


Regular-size cans are too heavy for kid’s backpacks. Be sure to choose single servings portions.. Children must be able to carry them to and from school, the bus, and their homes.

A happy child receives a backpack filled with food for the weekend.

There are two ways you can help. It doesn’t matter if you belong to our church or don’t; we need your support. 

1.  Donate groceries.

Purchase supplies for the children's food backpacks.  There is a list of food items we need here.  Bring your items to our church, and place them in the blue bucket in the parlor.

But I don't belong to your church. How will I find where to donate?

It's easy. Come to our church on any weekday between 9am and 3 pm. Park in the spaces behind our building, and use the big brown doors to enter. (They're the ONLY doors, so they're easy to spot.) Press the 'doorbell' button, and someone from our staff will let you in, and help you leave your groceries.

Or, come visit us on Sunday morning. (Staying for our church service is 100% optional.) 

Questions? Just call (847) 827-5561

Exterior view of First Churtch from Graceland Avenue, Des Plaines, IL
Rear entrance where food drop offs enter the building at First Church.

We're easy to find.

The church is at the corner of Prairie and Graceland Avenues in Downtown Des Plaines. Our address is 668 Graceland Ave, Des Plaines.

Don't forget: come to the rear parking lot and entrance!


Also for you.

A hungry person gets served at Bessie's Table in Des Plaines.

A free dinner for anyone who is hungry, every Monday. Bessie's Table.

A group of people who have volunteered for mission projects.

Our world needs help. Would you join us in  Missions? (It's fun!)

Our Mother’s Day Out (MDO) program allows parents to schedule “free time” during the day.

Take a break. We've got your back. Mom's Day Out.  

Children singing a song at Vacation Bible School

Fun, learning, and adventure. Vacation Bible School.

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First Church

The First United Methodist Church of Des Plaines, IL

Worship: Sundays, 10 am



Mon - Thurs 9 am - 3:30 pm

Friday 9 am - 3 pm

View of First Church from Prairie Ave., Des Plaines

On the corner of Graceland and Prairie Avenues.

668 Graceland Ave.

Des Plaines, IL 60016

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