Your neighborhood United Methodist Church.
668 Graceland Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60016

Get to know First Church
In Our Community
Discover who you really are!

Discover who you really are at this fun workshop with Life Coach Betty Howard. Join us for activities, snacks, and laughs while learning about your special talents and what makes you unique. Don't miss out!
Pastor Betty Howard
Community Back Pack Program

The Community Backpack Project is an outreach program of the Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Each week a backpack filled with easy-to-prepare meals such as oatmeal, canned soup, instant pasta dishes, canned protein, applesauce, snacks, and juice items will be dropped off.
Currently, First Church of Des Plaines is sponsoring up to (4) children in District 62.
There are several ways to donate to this program. Monetary donations can be given, and our Missions team will do the shopping, or you can shop and bring your items on Sundays.
Here is a list of the specific kid friendly items that are to be included in each bag. Items Needed:
Individual size snacks (cookies, granola bars, chips, pudding cups, cheese crackers, Rice Krispie bars)
Microwavable cups of macaroni & cheese • Soft side juice pouches (Capri Sun, Kool-Aid)
Small cans of meat & pasta (Vienna Sausages, Tuna, Chicken, Pork & Beans) • 8 to 8.25 oz. cans of vegetables
7oz. size microwavable kid friendly soups
Small boxes of cereal, oatmeal packets
Fruit & applesauce cups Thank you for your generous donations!
Reusable Containers Needed
Bessie's Table is in desperate need of your clean takeout containers!
Containers can be dropped off at the church. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Join a Life Group!
Contact Pastor Hope to get plugged in! pastorhope.fumcdp@gmail.com
• Life Group Facilitator training with Pastor Hope is held on the 1st
Thursday of the month at 6 pm. This will be an in-person and Zoom
• Spirit of the Living Lord Life Group meets two times a month on a
Tuesdays at 7:30 pm at the Duncan’s home. Contact Facilitator Harolyn Thogersen for more information.
• Faith Seekers Life Group meets once a month on a Thursday
evening, date and time TBD. Contact Facilitator Kay Maloney for more information.
• Pilgrims Life Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening 6:30-7:30 pm at 751 Graceland Ave. This apartment building is 1 block south of the church. We meet in the 1st-floor conference room off the lobby. Park next to the building or on the street. Transportation can be provided to anyone needing a ride. Contact Facilitators JanWeber or Janine Forney for more information.
• Gray Hairs Life Group meets of the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays via Zoom at 4:30p. For more information or the Zoom link, contact Facilitator Karen Boesche.
• Youth Life Group meets Wednesdays at 7pm at First Church. For
more information contact Pastor Hope. Ages 6th Grade - Young Adults.

Above: Pastor Hope blessed pets from Des Plaines, Park Ridge, and Palatine. Read more about the Pet Blessing...