Your neighborhood United Methodist Church.
668 Graceland Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60016

Get to know First Church

First Church In The Community

Clockwise, from top, left: Lino Aragon, Xiomara Aragon, Mike Murphy, Harolyn Thogersen, and our "little elf" singers.
We celebrated Twelfth Night on Saturday, January 6, 2024, with a party and dinner.
Our members came together in love and joy with neighbors from near and friends from afar.
The festivities included a visit from The Three Magi – the kings- and a show-stopping performance of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” by our youngest friends.

Behind every good event, there is the hard-working crew that made everything right.
Left to right, back row: Laura Miller, Harolyn Thorgersen, Karen Boesche, and Ann Hardy. Front row: Pastor Hope Chernich and Janine Forney.
We bring our FREE PRAYERS booth to the Taste Of Des Plaines celebration every year.
Anyone who feels the need can simply visit our booth, and we’ll join them in a personal, private moment of prayer. Some prayers are short, and some are longer; it does not matter.
In 2023 we had return visits from a number of visitors who shared their stories –and their prayers—with us from previous years.
The FREE PRAYERS outreach is non-denominational and all-inclusive. We don’t ask. We simply pray.

Did you hear?
We're going to the
pet blessing!

Pet owners from Des Plaines and neighboring communities brought their pets to our church for a special blessing.