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Giving Online

On-line contributions to First Church are processed by Vanco, a company that specializes in providing safe and secure transactions for churches like ours.

Thank you!

A couple texts their offering to First Church Des PLaines

 Easy and quick, superbly secure. 

Here's the number:
(855) 902-4771.

Thinking of something extra
for a special cause?

Help Upgrade our Fire Alarm system.

Upgrade Our Fire Alarm

Help us make this required improvement for our building. Go to our online giving page and select "Upgrade Fire Alarm".

Give to support Bessie's Table.

Bessie's Table

Go to our online giving page, and select Bessie's Table from the drop-down list 

Help Support Missions at First Church

Missions at First Church

​Go to our online giving page, and select Adult Missions from the drop-down list

Support our Music and Streaming service.

Music/Streaming Service

Go to our online giving page, and select Music Ministry. 

Text your donation or offering.

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First Church

The First United Methodist Church of Des Plaines, IL

Worship: Sundays, 10 am



Mon - Thurs 9 am - 3:30 pm

Friday 9 am - 3 pm

View of First Church from Prairie Ave., Des Plaines

On the corner of Graceland and Prairie Avenues.

668 Graceland Ave.

Des Plaines, IL 60016

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