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Visiting First Church in person.

We're easy to find. Right on the corner!

Exterior view of First Church from Prairie Avenue in Des Plaines

First Things First. ​​Whoever you are, whatever your story, in this church, you are family. 

Connecting with a new community can be scary. It's a little less that way when you think of us as believers and seekers from all walks of life.  No one will question your beliefs, or, to be honest, your un-beliefs.  Just come on in and give us a test drive.

Where Do I Park?

We've got lots and lots of parking. The best place is at the rear of our building. Just enter from the driveway on Graceland Avenue, or you can slip in from Webford Avenue, just north of our building. 


There's a big back door that's always open on Sundays. This is the entrance for anyone who needs assistance. Our elevator is located just steps from the rear door entrance.

Back entrance and doorway to First Church.

The church is on the northwest corner of Prairie and Graceland Avenues in Des Plaines. 

It all starts at 10 am Sunday morning.

No, We Never Ask Visitors To Stand-Up And Introduce Themselves To The Whole Service.

We've heard this actually happens in some churches. Don't worry, you're on safe ground with us.  

​If you seek a more quiet experience, that's fine. 

We respect those who prefer to worship as a deeply personal time, without all the social 'busyness'.  It’s your call. But, we are still glad to make new friends.

Also for you.

A group of people getting ready for worship at First Church

Who we are. History.

Welcome to First Church.

Production of the worship service video stream.

Worship online with our 24/7 stream.

Pastor Audrea Nanabray preaching at First Church.

Meet the team at First Church.

A person texts an offering on their cell phone.

Questions and Comments

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First Church

The First United Methodist Church of Des Plaines, IL

Worship: Sundays, 10 am



Mon - Thurs 9 am - 3:30 pm

Friday 9 am - 3 pm

View of First Church from Prairie Ave., Des Plaines

On the corner of Graceland and Prairie Avenues.

668 Graceland Ave.

Des Plaines, IL 60016

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